Monday, 24 August 2015

Large explosions rocks U.S military base in Sagamihara, Japan.

     A huge blast has struck a U.S military base in Sagamihara, 40 kilometers from Tokyo, the Japan's capital city. The explosion was reported to have hit a warehouseon the base which was believe to be housing petroleum products and ammunitions, according to International Business Times, citing U.S based Fox News. According to the Voice of America, there were no report of casualties or injuries in the huge blast which resident said they thought it was a "thurder". Fire fighters rushed to the scene of the blast to put out the blaze. A U.S army Lietenant Colonel Kevin Toner told Reuters news agency via e-mail that there were no ammunitions or radiological materials in the warehouse. Some media report said families of serving U.S personnels are living in the building but the Colonel who spoke to Reuters deny such claim.

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