Saturday, 18 July 2015

Former Obama adviser urges President Obama to Give B-52 bunker-busting bombers to Israel to Deter Iran.

  A former Adviser to United States president Barack Obama has urged U.S authorities to provide Israel with B-52 bunker-busting bombers to deter Iran from getting a nuclear bomb, Israel based online news website, HAARETZ reported citing Defense website. Speaking to NBC News, Ambassador Dennis Ross said "We think this is not only a threat to us". "Iran has killed more Americans than anyone other than alQaeda" "To have a credible military option, it's not enough to say all options are on the table. We have to be much more blunt", said Ambassador Dennis Ross in an interview. He recommended that UNS should transfer to Israel B-52 bunker-busting bomber which is capable of delivering 30,000 -pounds of GBU Massive Ordinance Penetractors, Israel based news website Debkafile reported.

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